Reclaim your Hidden Gems
The more you get past pain, the more it goes from coal to diamond.
– Jodi Picoult –
At this time the world needs our authentic truth. We are being called to choose, as poet Mary Oliver said, what we will do with our “one wild and precious life”.
The Ninth Gem is a unique form of Soul Retrieval. So often, through early trauma, we split off parts of ourselves that have been hurt or we think are unacceptable to others. These wounds and shadows within us are our lost gems - those parts of our Soul that, when understood and reclaimed, carry our greatest gifts. The shattered pieces, when seen, loved and called back, become our Radiant Whole.
I am both a Soul Caller and Anam Cara. As a Soul Caller, I walk with you as you choose to move past pain and come fully back to life in this life.
And as your Anam Cara, a Celtic term meaning “Friend of the Soul,” I see and help you remember who you are and why you came. Together we explore how you’ll embody, express and offer all your gifts.

Coming Home to your Soul
Over the course of six months we will meet 13 times in two-hour sessions, either in person or by Zoom.
Here are some of the playful practices we will use to orient you, as we tailor your journey back to your Soul’s Purpose for your Life.
Triptych of your life
You are guided to create a triptych of your life, a self-portrait of your past, present and desired future.
A collage of memories, dreams and reflections. As we begin to understand the underlying light and shadow of your life, we will unearth the eight facets of your Soul’s expression. We see how you are called to be in the world - in your body, with your loved ones, in your creativity and your work. We will hone in on what brings you most joy, following the scent of this scintillating Light right back to your Soul, your Ninth Gem.
Your moment of Birth
We can explore the moment of your birth and what it has to share about your dreams, shadows and gifts.
I can use both your Astrological and Gene Keys profiles. This helps you to become aware of, accept and then release family karma, and your own painful experiences that may have prevented you from stepping into your true power. Together we receive insights into those shadows and wounds, the gifts they hold, and once the lens is cleared, the distinct offerings you have brought into this world.
Your Mandala
We create your mandala, a great wheel illuminating each facet of your Soul.
These are all the ways your Soul expresses Herself in each of the roles you play in your life. We also plot your very own constellation of overlighting guides, guardians, knights, ladies, troubadours, gods and goddesses, whom we meet and remember along the way. We then create ways to shine and grow within each facet of your life.
Your Gems
We invite the magic of the mineral world to illuminate your path, as we find the corresponding gem for each of your archetypal facets.
These amethysts or citrines, lapis or pearls become your constant talismans, a bejewelled crown of crystalline light to remind you of the Shining Soul you are. With each Gem we retrieve you begin to understand the call you have heard your whole life. The clues your Soul left you to come home to your Self.
You will find again, lifetimes-long, that longed for and belonging embrace of your Soul.