Gentle Reader,
You will find here, in one place, my LoveLetters. Some would call them newsletters. Why do I call them LoveLetters? Because they come with all my love during these turbulent times. Times when our world, our lives and our livelihoods seem, perilously, to hang in the balance. And yet I know that Love is all around us, closer than our breath.

When walking in the dark
And thank you for still being here. What an absence and a silence this has been. An underworld journey spanning three years and three generations. Now, under the light of this waning full moon in initiating Aries, conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer, and squared both by activating Mars and Lord of the Underworld, Pluto Himself, I am being urged by my heart to write to you again. To put aside silence and doubt.

Through a dark night to a new dawn
Thank you for meeting me here on this new moon. I’m sending this to you on the New Moon exact – when the moon and sun are conjunct, and for three days and three nights they are said to be lovers… the moon hidden away from us by the bright radiance of her lover Sun. And thank you, too, to those new readers here. Your fierce and gentle readership means so much to me.

With the song of the morning
Thank you for meeting me here again on this full moon. And thank you to those of you who wrote back to me after receiving the first newsletter. Your words touched my heart. Again, I hope to honour your time and continue to inspire you. And saying this, just a quick word about the links I share with you here. I am not an affiliate of any teacher I mention here. I love and genuinely respect those men and women I include here, but I am not in any way paid to link you to them. I do it because these wise Souls and their work have enriched my life. I hope they enrich yours as well.

Very slowly, with the breath
Thank you for subscribing to my newsletter, which will come to you from now on, on every new and full moon. I am so very glad that you have entrusted me to your inbox, and I hope that you will take a few minutes to read this. I hope to honour and respect your time. You may want to sip a cup of tea as you read. And I sincerely hope that, though this is approximately a five-minute read with some of the links to explore, you really find yourself wanting to read on.