A Life’s Work of polishing the diamond
Twenty-five years ago, after leaving a corporate communications career to give birth to my firstborn, I began to understand a transmission that had come to me first at three years old. During a near death experience, the work I do now came then in condensed images and numinous form.
Letters dropped from God
As a child I had intimations of an Astonishing Light everywhere. Looking at the scintillating Light of the Stars, doing dot-to-dot pictures at seven, and being drawn to colouring mandalas and sacred geometry at eleven. At 30, nine months after my son was born, through the heightened experience of ancestral grief and post-natal trauma, I began to work with the transmission. At first, it was a way to understand what had happened to me, and how I could heal from it. My wound slowly opened to its gift, and has become my offering to others.
At 30, I called this fledgling offering a Self Portrait. I worked with people to help them see and know what was truly unique about them by understanding their life’s experiences as “letters dropped from God”, as poet Walt Whitman wrote. But then life got busy with two children and corporate clients, and I forgot the offering that had begun to crystallise.
Answering my Soul’s call
In 2009, still engaged in a successful university lecturing, and communications and brand strategy consulting career, a woman contacted me after contemplating the message on my business card. She asked me to help her 20-year old daughter. I said yes. Though I am not a trained life coach, I knew all the experiences of my life had been my Soul’s own calling. I listened to my intuition and took a courageous step.
Saying yes to the mother’s request opened a direct line to my Soul’s Purpose, and, with that, the transmission of the Nine Gems methodology came through. I understood that what was gifted to me at three, was an experience that would help her daughter hear and embody her Soul, inhabiting her joy because she could see and understand where she had been wounded. And how to heal.
Working with you
I use compassionate enquiry, dream interpretation, intuitive guidance, oracular insight, and Jungian archetype and shadow work, to call your Soul into your embodied life. Through deep dialogue, presence, joyful practices of active imagination and creative exploration, forest bathing, pilgrimage and ceremony we will meet your Soul at play.
Gently, firmly and audaciously, I help you understand the patterns of your life, illuminating both the light and dark, the gifts of your wounds, and the unique medicine born from those wounds, that is your offering to this world.
As a mentor, counsellor and purpose finder, I have worked and walk with:
leaders of organisations and teams within them to create their purposeful work in the world,
women and men contemplating career change or faced with redundancy,
men and women seeking release from trauma, so they may move freely into life,
business owners wishing to define, clarify or reorient their business offering and story,
writers and artists yearning to unblock their unique creative expression,
creatives and entrepreneurs seeking to crystalise their ideas and bring them into form,
visionaries driven to bring the future into being,
activists ushering more freedom and equality into the world, and
all those who seek to understand and live their dreams.
Honouring my Teachers
I thank the Creator-Creatrix of this Universe, Who caught my Soul at three, held me safe through near death, and helped me come back into my body. I thank them for appearing at 45 and 47, pulling me back from death twice more.
I thank my Soul, for Her Constant Presence and Her Voice. Heard or not heard, She has guided me my whole life, gently urging me from dissociative trauma into joyful embodiment.
I thank and honour my teachers, guides and mentors – their Truth, across many wisdom traditions, has helped me understand and reclaim my Soul’s Purpose and work.
I have studied Visionary Activist Astrology with Caroline Casey, sat embraced in the depth of my Soul with Sera Beak, tasted the Presence of the Divine with Thomas Hübl and how to facilitate trauma healing, breathed into the Pure Land with Thich Nhat Hanh, dared to rest in the body with Karen Brody, written into life with Mark Matousek, dreamed of, been guided by and read Carl Jung on the Mandala of the Self, Archtetypes of our Collective Unconscious, the Individuation Process, and the Symbolism of the Soul, and I have learned Lightning Dream Work and trained as a Dream Teacher with Robert Moss.
I am a Womb Keeper, able to transmit the 13th Rite of the Munay Ki, after being initiated by Marcela Lobos. I also honour and interweave Richard Rudd’s transmission of the Gene Keys into the work I do with those who dare to dive deep. I thread golden strands of each of these expressions of Truth, and many more, into my core offerings, The Ninth Gem, Truest North and Dreams Walking.
While these offerings have now been polished and proven for over a decade, they are never one-size-fits-all. We will tailor them to meet you wherever you are.