Remember who you truly are.
Dare to live your hidden worth.
You came here with a sacred task. A dangerous, yet beautiful, mission.
To find your own words to speak truly and your own way to love ardently.
To live fully, as you share your gifts.
These gifts are the hidden gems within you. The unique expressions of your Soul. You may have forgotten them, yet they lie scintillating in the dark. So often they are born from intense pressure. So often in the searing heat of your hurt, loss, disappointment or self-doubt. These extraordinary times exert such pressure, forcing your initiation into the life you came here to live.
Now more than ever are you called to remember.
Who you are uniquely, and why you came here specifically.
As if your life depends upon it. Because it does.

I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness the Astonishing Light of your own Being.
– Hafiz –
Kia ora, I am Stefania Pietkiewicz. I live my truest story as a mentor, spiritual counsellor and purpose finder. I look for and see your Light. And I will walk with you through your darkness and doubt to a new career, a lifelong love, to the bright edge of an astonishing life.
I have been a university lecturer, brand and communications strategist and storyteller, and am the founder of two international consulting businesses. For 25 years I’ve helped university students, individuals, leaders, teams, writers and artists, government organisations, corporations, visionary entrepreneurs, activists and creative businesses discover, tell, share and live the bright line of their truest story.

How to Live your Truest Story
Don’t die … with that Ruby mine inside Still unclaimed.
— Hafiz —
Together we’ll discover your heart’s truth, your true story and the gifts you came here to share. We’ll reclaim those rare jewels unique to you, holding them up to your Astonishing Light.
Our journey begins after we meet in person or over Zoom.
During our journey, we will listen for clues to how your Soul — your innate Wisdom — has always walked with you. And how She is calling you Now to offer your gifts to the world. Our work will be practical, profound and deeply transfigurative. Together we’ll decide the steps and the pace.
To start our conversation and your journey back, here are three possible pathways to come home to yourself.
Reclaim your Ninth Gem
Remember who you truly are
The Ninth Gem is my multi-faceted mentoring program, where you remember you’re guided by your Soul. If you’re ready to return from the shadowlands of fear, sorrow, grief, loneliness, anger or doubt, this is a proven way to reclaim your joy…
Find your Truest North
Live what you came here to do
In Truest North, I help you discover how your Soul’s purpose guides your life’s work. We all carry an inner compass to help us live and work with deep meaning and true fulfilment. To reorient your life, I offer an intensive two-day deep dive…
Walk into your Dreams
Uncover the images of your Soul
When you understand the guidance in your dreams, you will walk with wonder and clarity into your life. As we uncover the meaning of your dreams’ symbolic wisdom, we’ll begin to discern their sacred purpose and what they’re pointing you to…